
21.00-22.00 Arasında Sosyal Medya Eylemi: #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey


Avon Direnişi sosyal medyaya taşınıyor. Bir süredir devam eden Avon Direnişi bugün sosyal medya üzerinden bir eylem gerçekleştirecek.


Avon’un sosyal medya eylemi; 15 Haziran Çarşamba akşamı, (bu akşam) 21.00-22.00 arasında Twitter ve Facebook üzerinden İngilizce içerikler ile #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey ve  #beautyforapurpose etiketi ile sürecek.


Kullanılabilecek sloganlar:

Support Avon Workers #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
Follow the campaign #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
Stop union-busting at Avon! #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
Stop union-busting at Avon! #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
Support the resistance of workers! #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
#ResistanceAtAvonTurkey will win!
Wipe off your lipstick, raise your voice #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
Long live the solidarity of women! #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
Our beauty comes from our strength, our strength from resistance. #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
We are right, we insist. We will win as we resist! #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
Customers of Avon: The products you use come from the ugly exploitation of women’s labor! #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
We are here to stay until our demands are met! Stand in solidarity with the #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
Down with the subcontractor system! Give workers their jobs back! Recognize the labor union! #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey
A makeup with Avon is not as resistant as a #ResistanceAtAvonTurkey!

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